Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lily's birthday

Yesterday was Lily's birthday and I offered to cooker her pancakes for her birthday dinner. So I finally pulled myself together and went, with her help of course, and bought a portable stove. Just buying it was trouble enough, there are like 20 different types ranging in price from 200yuan to almost 1000yuan, I wanted a cheap one though, not much point in spending lots of money on maybe quality for just half a year, or even a year. So I got one for 225 that included a pan and a pot, and since i thought the pan was too deep like a wok pan, it was a quite cool pan actually, standard Chinese stuff I guess, so I bought another lower and a bit flatter pan, that was actually quite troublesome too since the stove is an induction stove and only works with some materials. The timing was the worst ever too, at 7.30pm everybody goes to the supermarket, and it's not easy to walk around there with a large wagon trying to find ingredients for pancakes, even though it's not much.

Shopping took quite a while but we finally got home and once there we started trying to cook, it's always trying when using new equipment and this was more new to me than anything I've tried before; In Sweden I've always used normal heated stoves and when I did it in Hong Kong I used gas heated which works quite well really. With this new induction stuff I had a totally new challenge to face and I soon realised that the second pan I had bought was not really suitable for induction, and not good for making pancakes, I didn't discover this until I had melted my new plastic spatula that I had bought in IKEA, I bought a new stainless one in Carrefour today. Nearly giving up totally we still made a last try with other pan and a now half melted spatula. It went quite well after some tries and I think next time will be even better, I think I still need another pan for it though.

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