Sunday, September 30, 2007

Daily life

I've been hanging out with Jane almost every day this week, I think I met her just about everyday except Wednesday. I was supposed to meet Bella one Wednesday too but she has been sick so we couldn't meet. On Thursday I had the afternoon off and spent it with Jane since she had the afternoon off too, at night I met Erin, a girl that had come up to talk to me last Saturday when I was waiting for Luna; Erin is a bit younger, 22 I think, and studying English at Sichuan university, she just wanted to meet someone to speak English to so she came up to me and talked, we had pizza at a small place close to where we had met, next door to the Indian place where I had had dinner with Luna, and I got to teach her to use knife and for, her first time ever, and just have some simple conversation in English, it almost felt like I was tutoring her and I should have charged her for it.

Last night me and Aaron went out drinking, I met up with him at Paname after my dinner with work and Jane was with us too in the beginning, we mostly drank beer and played pool and at around 3am we left for a Chinese bar instead. There we met this weird guy, spoiled kid (old kid), that we hung out with for a while and then left, I spent too much Money yesterday, in total about 300kuai despite the free dinner. I think Kelly will have a party of some sort next weekend so I will probably join that. And the taxi ride home was my first with a female driver, I guess that was surprising because it was surprising, but aren't all taxi drivers men?

As for fasters question: Daily life and chores, well work takes up a lot more time than I had expected, even though I should only have around 15-20 teaching hours per week, which is basically around 10 working hours, I'm still away from home 8-12 hours per day, all because the commuting time when we are working outside Chengdu and the 4 hour lunch brakes we have and are stuck there. Because of this I have hardly had any time to do housework, I try to have breakfast at home every day but I haven't really gotten used to anything special and it's hard to find something good to eat for breakfast, the bread pretty much sucks, there is only one kind of bread to be found in normal stores and that is a super sweet, white and super soft thing that isn't very good and probably not healthy at all. I have only cooked at home once, the pancake dinner with Lily at her birthday but I intend to do that more often now, I have enough money now to buy a rice-cooker and a stove thing now, so I will try to make my own bread and try to cook simple food at home. And between working and hanging out with friend I haven't had time to clean my place at all this week, which is what I'm supposed to do right now but I'm a bit hangover and too lazy at the moment.

I have been trying to work out a little at home too, just doing sit-ups and push-ups daily and trying to increase, doing about 140 sit-ups and 30-40 push-ups a day now, and I'm losing weight, I'm still over 95kg I think but I'm much slimmer than before.

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