Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another weekend

On Thursday last week I went out to have BBQ with Aaron, Amanda and Kelly, the three American Volunteers that I've met, that was really good but I was extremely tired. BBQ is something you can have pretty much anywhere here at night, they have like these small grills just about everywhere and you just chose whatever you want to put on it and after a few minutes you get it back on a tray, it's quite cheap too, I had a lot and it was still only 17kuai. I learnt a new version of the big two, neger or king and slave card game too, it's called five-ten-king (I think) and you can only play it with three people where two play against one that gets some extra cards, rather fun.

On Saturday I was supposed to go to IKEA with Luna, but with communication problems it wasn't that easy and I finally gave up, we still met for dinner anyway and I had the spiciest food I've had here so far, an Indian restaurant and we both had curry dishes, min was really spicy but not even close to Luna's, her was well SPICY. After the dinner we met up with Bella at the Hemp House and I stayed there until around 4am or something, it was actually quite dull but I didn't feel like going home.

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