Sunday, October 19, 2008

the destructive circles

I read somewhere that the definition of stupidity is when you keep doing something the exact same way despite that you get the same result every single time. Now the circles I'm talking about might not be the exact same way every round, but they are same enough; it is something about when you keep coming back to the exact same place and same situation all the time and you know why you got there, what is wrong and what could be done about it but still when you start your next round you don't take any advice at all, you just keep running the same endless track and wind up at the same place again not long after.

I'm doing this now; I'm right now in that low place where you don't want to be.
The one I'm doing this around does it too, around someone else.
And there are others, I think everybody does it, someone did it around me, and I would think someone does it still.

You try to pull yourself up, tell yourself it will never happen again, tell all who care that it is not like this but then it starts again, things happen and you build yourself up, or are built up by someone until you are high enough and can crash down. I don't think anyone does it on purpose, it is still very often that it is what happens.

It makes me think of the song, Buttercup by The Foundations, that we have on the Singstar party disk, the first disk I had for that game actually; the lyrics has some points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

känner igen det där alltför väl, syftar nog inte på samma saker som du just nu men de destruktiva cirklarna kan tyvärr gälla allt fucking möjligt.

kul med din blogg, jag brukar läsa den då och då. Niklas också.

// Karin