Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I had some very positive feelings before I came here, given that I already had an interview waiting for me only a week after I arrived. I got a few more calls about interviews actually and went on the first one a few days before my original first, and the first one I went to, at a company called Eureka, I got a quite good feeling for it, but the other two, including the original was not so good and finally they don't offer much money to be honest. I also got quite a lot of calls for part time jobs but as soon as I mention that I don't have a working permit yet they all say they have to talk to their supervisor about sponsoring and that they will come back to me, which they never do of course.

I have quite a bit to write about the process of getting a job and a working permit and such here but I think I will wait with it until I actually have one. I'm still in contact with Eureka and waiting for a contract with them, but they are sometimes slow to answer and I really don't have much time, this is because, from what I hear, the working permit process can take as long as 6 weeks, which is a long time and I'm not sure I can afford to stay that long. It is not all bad though as I will still have my passport during that time and can actually spend it in China, where I can live of about one fifth of the money I need in Hong Kong.

There are some additional expenses I didn't foresee; there is an institute called HKCAAVQ (Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications) that will accredit my academic qualification so that they count in Hong Kong, which they don't do right now. This accreditation costs 2160HKD though and will take 15 working days, and it needs some papers that I don't have with me here, my high school grades for one.

Still hope is left and I think in the end I will have a job, it is rather impossible for me to go back to Sweden over Christmas as I had hoped since I probably won't even start working until mid November and not get my first salary until beginning of December. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanting to wish you best of luck with your job hunt. Hong Kong is a good place to be a teacher from overseas if you can get the job.
