Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hong Kong

I've decided that I don't like Hong Kong very much; I can't really put my finger on exactly what I don't like but there is some bad feeling to it. It's like with Shanghai where I feel that everybody basically are rude, people are rather nice here though. There is something else, it feels like no one here is really happy, like everybody are just struggling to get through their daily life and never expecting anything to change, or at least not get better. People seem to generally dislike their jobs, be rather unhappy about relationships and not enjoying their free time at all, basically because they hardly have any and when they do they are too tired from work.

I don't think this applies to everybody here, I have seen happy people too; no one that seems happy about work but at least happy in love and stuff, what I do see more are unhappy people, and it's not only local people, it's everybody; it just feels like this city destroys everybody that comes to and lives here.

I won't give up on this just yet, I got my contract now and will probably be able to start working in about a month, it might be quite crappy and I might actually change my mind by the end of this week.

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