Friday, October 24, 2008

The Job

I finally got a contract and I signed in last Monday, the only problem is that it's not a real contract, this gets rather complicated actually; The contract I have signed is a dummy one, that basically means it is not legally valid for anything but to get me the working permit. The contract states a rather low salary, about 15k HKD a month, and a full time workload, this is rather bad actually but since it is just a dummy contract it doesn't really matter.

Instead they will offer me part time projects, with the stated salary they need to reach at least that amount to not have to explain to the immigration office why they couldn't, this has to do with the fact that they shouldn't hire someone they can't provide for, so I feel I'm almost guaranteed that and it's only about 13 hours a week to get that anyway. Since they might not be able to fill my schedule they have also allowed me to do other part time jobs as long as I get the salary through them, the good thing about this is that it will still be completely legal; I have my working permit for this company, company A, and can only work for them, if I work for company B both me and company B might get in trouble if I don't have a working permit for them, and for company A this also helps adding up to the 15k they should pay me every month. The drawback with this is a 12% company tax that they will deduct from all my work outside their company.

I have been in contact with another company too actually and I will stay in touch with them hoping they can provide some part time job. I really liked that place and would actually have preferred working for them fulltime but they were taking too long having too many candidates to interview and test.

So with this stuff done I will get my working permit application papers and go to their office on Monday to sort that out, I was intending to go to the HKCAAVQ today but I actually overslept about 5 hours and there are some issues with payment for that. Then on Thursday or Friday I start my trip to China.

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