Sunday, August 12, 2007

A night out in Hong Kong

After hardly doing anything for a whole day, except trying to work on the TEFL course and being disturbed by Joyce’s little 5 year old cousin Kiukiu I met up with Joyce herself in TST (Tsim Sha Tsui or something, Kowloon side of Hong Kong) far a later meet up with Janice and some other friends. I was quite proud to get there all by myself; it has been quite a while since I was here so I was quite uncertain about a lot of things during the way. We walked around a little in the New Center and SOHO shopping mall a while and even went out in the rain (rain is still just a drizzle) to see the rain view of Victoria harbor, which is quite like the not rain view but with rain.

After some time we found ourselves waiting for Janice and the others at a Korean restaurant and after some time of waiting they finally arrived, and they were only two Janice and Happy (quite funny name), Man had canceled on us earlier with some strange emergency, my friend Andreas got called in to work with some translation thing he is doing as freelance and well, someone else(Ariel) had apparently overslept or something, she showed up a bit later when we had nearly finished the food already.

After dinner we went to a dessert place and had some really nice desserts, a watermelon ice-cream thing, a mango fruit-salad, a melted chocolate thingy with ice-cream and a waffle with mango, all very tasty. On the opposite side of the dessert place there was a trinket shop where I looked around a bit while we were waiting for the dessert, quite a lot of funny small things, but I think there was nothing there that can’t be found in Sweden too.

After the desserts with took a walk around in TST, I was totally lost already so for me it didn’t really matter where we walked, but after some time we finally ended up in a bar area and entered one of the bars. It was a quite cozy place, dimly lit with dark wooden tables and really nice waiters; you couldn’t even finish a drink before they came and ask if you wanted another one. But there was one huge drawback, now I don’t know how the rest of Hong Kong is but this was really expensive, a beer cost around 60-70 HKD, which is nearly the same in SEK, and the bottle of wine that the girl bought cost 300HKD, that is a lot. My beer glass was really huge though, I still don’t believe that it was only 50cl even though it said so on the glass.

1 comment:

The Venusian Artist said...

That is in deed one expencive beer. I hope that it did taste good though, it sure looks tasty