Friday, August 17, 2007

Searching in Yuen Long

On Tuesday I stayed in just about the whole day, but in the afternoon Joyce had finally booked flight tickets and I had about 30 minutes to pick the up somewhere in Yuen Long. Now this sounds a lot easier than it was, even if it sounds quite hard. I got some instructions of where to find the travel agency, but when I arrived I didn't see any of the signs I should have seen, after lulling about for over 30 minutes, spending a lot of really expensive phone time with a really annoyed Joyce I finally managed to find the place, about 45 minutes too late of course.

I still got the flight ticket but the adventure wasn't over yet; as soon as I had gotten on the light rail to go back Joyce called and said I had to change to pick-up place, it could be either there in Yuen Long or in Mong Kok, in Kowloon, and we had plans to go to Mong Kok the night after for dinner, and that's when the ticket was supposed to arrive. It wasn't too troublesome to go back now that I knew where it was though, and it finally turned out that we didn't have to change it, because the ticket arrived that same night, but it didn't matter much.

When I was done with all the ticketing I tried to go off exploring a bit in Tin Shui Wai, but since it was already so late I decided to head home quite soon after, the shopping mall I found wasn't too exciting anyway, it was one of the places we had been searching for a KFC at the other night. I wasn't even nearly so late as I had expected though, I got back around 7pm but no one had even started thinking of dinner then, and Joyce didn't show up until around 9ish either, and that's when we had dinner.

And of course as my name says I had to make pancakes on night, and this was the night. It was quite troublesome in the beginning, the pan was a bit higher in the middle so the pancakes got too thin there which made them all but impossible to turn over, and the stove is a gas stove which is all good and well, quite fun actually, but I'm not used to working with it, it is really different. After 2-3 pancakes I got the hang of it so finally we had at least one fine pancake each, and a few destroyed ones to that.

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