Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Two pretty girls from Harbin

I met up with Gunglu's friend Annie this Sunday morning/afternoon. She is a small, pretty and talkative girl that was really easy to hang out and talk to, and she brought a friend too, another girl from Harbin that wasn't at all as talkative but just as pretty, and best of all, she call herself Eva, which makes me feel really comfortable. We met at Tiananmen east subway station, which was really perfect for me because I needed to buy something for Mei for our birthday party in the evening and I know of a small little soft-toy store close to there, the place where I bought just about all the stuff I brought home last year.

It was way after breakfast and after my long night of partying the night before I was nearly starving but not in the mood to eat anything, at least not anything that I didn't know exactly what it was. We went over to the other shopping street in central Beijing (e.g. not Xidan where I had met Nini the evening before), Wangfujing and found a McDonalds there. I think we spent more than an hour there, just relaxing and talking and avoiding the short rains and trying to decide what to really do, talk could almost have been enough really.

Finally we decided to go do some touristing at least, they are both nearly as strange to Beijing as me, if not even more when it comes to sightseeing and after discarding a few parks that were just too small and not nearly touristy enough we decided on going to Jingshan park, the park/mountain that is just north of and overlooking the forbidden city, and after a while we even managed to decide, rather I decided how to go there, they both wanted to take a bus or taxi but it was not really that far so we walked instead.

Walking was really nice, and gave us a lot more time to talk about everything and nothing, as always, and when we finally reached the park we started climbing the steepest hill immediately, it wasn't really that steep but my calves doesn't like climbing at all, and despite the coolness of rainy weather I got really sweaty really fast, but at least it wasn't very high. The view was a bit of a disappointment actually, the view was half covered by some tall trees and the closest building was covered in a big green construction shelter, much like the first and biggest one was last year when Joyce and I was in the forbidden city itself. The view to the other directions were better though, especially the one to the northwest where you could see BeiHai (The Northern sea) clearly, the north view was quite nice too, a long street ending at Zhong Lou (The Bell Tower), east was nothing at all, wasn't even worth a picture.

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