Friday, August 17, 2007

Last night in Hong Kong

I had planned to do some more exploring in Tin Shui Wai or Tuen Mun, another close by residential town, but after brunch Joyce's second sister, Chu Chau, wanted to go with me and she suggested we should go to an off shore island instead of a boring place like Tuen Mun. So we started off towards Hong Kong island and after about 10 minutes I realised that I should probably have brought the recites for the flight ticket. It turned out that I only needed the reference number in the end so that was no big deal.

From Hong Kong we took a small bout out to Lamma island, not much to say about the place actually, seems a lot of foreigners live there, especially French. We just walked around for about 15-20 minutes then we had to hurry back to the ferry so we wouldn't be late for dinner; I had dinner plans with Joyce and Man and some others. Seems quite pointless, but at least I got to see a banana tree with some small green bananas, got a few mosquito bites and a really wet t-shirt, both from sweat and rain.

Off to Mong Kok I found the most crowded crowd I've ever seen, we arrived at the Central station in Hong Kong just after business hours and I think everybody in Hong Kong wanted to catch the same train, at least it felt like that. And I think everybody got off in Mong Kok, the only reason it wasn't more crowded than central is probably that it is a bigger space, I was actually feeling quite ill from the pressure of so many people.

We found the travel agency quite quickly and got the ticket, and after that we started searching for a new t-shirt for me, even though it wasn't that wet anymore it was not too nice to wear either. We found Joyce and Man soon after that but Man ran off to pay some phone bill, I tried to call Andreas to join us but he is quite difficult to get catch most of the time. After some time Man's and Joyce's ex classmate Angel, apparently she wants to go to Sweden some day, showed up too (Man was still gone).

Once Man was back I actually got hold of Andreas, and I decided we would have dinner at a Thai restaurant in one of the biggest shopping malls in Mong Kok, me and Joyce and dinner there with Elaine last year and I have really been craving it since I came here, I just love Thai-curry dishes, and Andreas knows the mall so he would be able to find us there too.

We went through quite a lot of trouble and floors to find the place though; the restaurant is at the 8th floor of 12 or 13, there is a long escalator from 2nd to 8th and one from 8th to 12th, for some reason we walked all the floors to 8th, then without seeing the restaurant we took the one to 12th, then found a map where it said where it was, talked to Andreas who was at the 8th floor at the time and he found it right away, then we walked down from 12th to 18th without using escalators. Then of course we had to wait for an hour or so to get a table, but at least I used the time to buy a big soft toy for Linna, who had helped me book room and get flight tickets in China, and one small for Wenying, without any particular reason.

Dinner was as great as it should be, nothing much more to say about that actually, lots of curry and other quite spicy food, I was happy.

On the way back the bus got stuck in a traffic jam, I think there had been some kind of accident on up ahead but didn't see much when we drove past it, still we didn't get back home until some time after midnight, and I still had some repacking to do, and needed to contact Wenying about meeting in Shanghai. Late sleep and had to get up early.

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