Saturday, August 4, 2007

Internet is back!

Finally we managed to fix the Internet, and despite my prediction of the end of the world for being away for it for such a long time it actually was quite OK, I had only a few emails in my in-box.

Some worldly updates then: I have finished my summer job, it was a nearly tear dripping event with my marvelous chocolate cakes at the Friday fika and I actually got a farewell gift from my co-workers, a SWEDEN cap and a book about China, I was so touched; I think it was my mentors idea, even though he wasn't even there. The last few hours of the day I spent with my personal customization, it took way too long time, I have brought the file home now anyway, so dad can use it for his phones. Now the only thing left is to convince dad that I need the T650i more than he does, hehe.

I went to see the Simpsons movie with Rappe on Tuesday, it was fun but I think there is not really any point in seeing it in the cinema, it's a TV thing after all. Not much to say about that.

On Wednesday I had good bye dinner with the Chinese girls and Manuel, Qian joined too so she is now introduced to Hellen, Nana and Guanglu, I hope they will stay in touch, it would be fun if I can back next year and they are all close friends. We made (I made) korvstroganoff, the spiciest one I ever made actually, and we drank Portuguese wine that Manuel had brought and then some wine Nana had. Hellen and Guanglu made an apple-cake that we had for desert. Everything was really nice and I didn't get back home until after midnight, so Thursday was my tired day at work.

I didn't do much on Thursday except the cakes for Friday, one traditional kladdkaka (messy or sticky or gooey cake) and one even kladdigare-kaka, I actually made the kladdigare-kaka again today for my prebirthday and farewell family party tonight. And I watched StarWars, the original cinema screening from 1977, and felt childishly happy, I watched episode V today and will try to find time for episode VI tomorrow, I bought them all plus the new episode III when Rappe and I bought candy for the cinema on Tuesday. I will always feel those are the best movies ever. I made pancakes too, alone for once, but I did the most embarrassing mistake possible, I forgot to put in the eggs, it took 3 failed pancakes before I realized it.

Last night I went out clubbing with Rappe and his friend, Maja and Pellis (Ellenor) joined us too, it's been a while since I saw Pellis so that was really fun, and I had a generally good time. But mixing to much wine and beer gave me the worst hangover ever (or since last weekend), which was no fun at all. They will join my farewell dinner for friends that I will have on Monday, damn I'm starting to feel kinda appreciated.

Soon it's time to start cooking for family dinner, I will make the flying Jakob, I bet my relatives will be really surprised that I did nearly all the cooking.

I learnt how to make Lasagna too, me and Hellen made that last weekend, it was really really good, I hope I can find the ingredients for that in China, cooking always impresses people, hehe.

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