Monday, August 27, 2007

Nini & the Sichuan resturant

On Saturday afternoon I met up with Nini, we just walked around in Xidan, one of the bigger shopping areas in Central Beijing, and looked at people. A crazy person on the 3rd floor of one shopping mall scared the shit out of everyone around and despite the think crowd no one dared to go within 3-4 meters of him, and when someone did get close is started screaming and touching his arm as if trying to brush something off. Outside a mall on a walkway that actually didn’t lead to anything but was nice to walk at because it was soft we saw a girl crying on the shoulder of someone, Nini and I, or rather I, made up a story of how they guy and just broken up with the girl and was now trying to comfort her for it, but the guy turned out to be a girl too, really manly looking though probably because of her clothing style, so we changed the story to either a lesbian couple or that she had lost something, possibly her boyfriend, and needed comforting by her friend, they stayed out there for a long time at anyway.

I won the now always occurring bet so Nini had to buy us ice cream at KFC and with the ice cream we walked around some more, found a little park where someone had just bought a helicopter like the one dad has but about 20 times larger, it only costs like 200yuen so I think I will buy one for myself later, they are pretty cool. For dinner we had, of course, Sichuan food, we didn’t go to the same place as last year though but found a place that I think was much nicer, I think it is a pretty newly built building and they had a whole floor for the restaurant. We had some vegetables and a tofu dish were you have a big pot of tofu and some small bowls of other stuff that you mix together in your own small bowl, it was really nice, despite the total lack of meat. After dinner Nini was off to the Beijing west railway station to see someone off and I was going to Houhai to meet a friend for a drink or two, we were going in the same direction though but I was off a few stations before her.

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