Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mei's apartment in Beijing

Mei's place is actually quite interesting, it's a quite small building in west Beijing, I think just outside the third circle (they measure distances in Beijing, and I think in most of China in big circle roads on regular distances from the city center) and quite close to Beijing west railway station. The building is an old 5 story building, and the whole neighbourhood is really old and dirty, I think it's quite poor too; on the first night when I just got there I saw some old man sleeping in the entrance of a half wrecked building and many of the buildings where people lives there are little more than shelters. It still has a cozy feeling to it in some way. The most annoying part was the closeness to the railway track, and not only one but the whole train stalls for the train station about 20 or so track of which the closest one is less than 20m away.

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