Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Night walk in IKEA in Hong Kong

I had dinner with Elaine last night, it was nice to see her even though she was a little depressed. We had Thai food for dinner of course, like last year, but even though it was good it wasn't even close to the one we had last year, and they actually didn't have some of the food that we ordered, so we had to order something else, not particularly good for a place in one of the most exclusive districts of Hong Kong.

After dinner we just walked around for some time, first in the rather nice shopping mall where the restaurant was, about 9 floors of escalators and a quite swindling view from the 9th floor. When we were done with the mall we kept walking around outside randomly and after a while I saw it, a big sign to a basement floor in a big building, looking kinda dark and closed which Elaine commented on, but we saw some people going out from there so it must still be open.

And of course IKEA is open at 10pm in Hong Kong, what else should we have expected. Walking around in IKEA had a kind of semi familiarity to it, things where the same as not, and at least the product names were still in Swedish, that made me happy. The beds were the strangest thing, instead of the normal 90,120,140 and 160 x200 they had sizes like 135x189, just too weird. And even though the store was about one fifth of the size of the one in Malmö it still managed to fit in all their products, which means it was kinda cramped together.

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