Friday, August 17, 2007


Up early and off to the airport, and I managed to forget my sleeping boxers in Hong Kong. Saying goodbye to Joyce at the airport I had just about 30 minutes to go trough all security and emigration procedures before I had to board the flight, I still managed to find the bookstore with maps that me and Joyce found but didn't buy last year, so I got one nice map of Beijing and one of Shanghai, which doesn't cover the area I'm in now anyway.

And of course my luck is as it has been during the trip, after sitting down in the airplane they called the message "Ching chong ching chong.... the flight is delayed for 2 hours due to construction on the runway", there was actually lots of those "ching chong" messages, many of which were never translated. In the end the delay was only about 40-50 minutes, but when we departed I was already feeling kinda woody, with 2½ more hours to come.

I did survive the flight though, and at the airport Wenying was waiting, she was as cute and sweet as ever and it was nice to see her again. We took a bus somewhere close to my hotel and then a taxi the rest of the way, the hotel is quite nice, a king size bed same as the one me and Joyce had last year in Shanghai and Internet in the room. After some time Linna came and Joined us and we all went out for dinner together. I actually tried some toad, white meat that almost taste like chicken, but that is just one part of it, the rest is way too bony and strange looking for me to even try, and some other strange food; spicy eggs and tiny potatoes that were really good.

After dinner we watched the Banquet, Wenying nearly fell asleep all the time but Linna and I watched properly, quite nice movie; made from Shakespeare's Hamlet with some Chinese twist.

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