Thursday, August 9, 2007

My mobile life...

Or at least semi mobile, in total it’s around 130kg, and I’m only 100 of them, the suitcase is not very mobile at all and I’m a bit worried about how I will manage in Shanghai and Beijing, where public transports are not the smoothes way, I guess I will have to use taxi service when I can.
The flight off was probably the best one I ever saw, we lifted off to the north east from Kastrup (Copenhagen airport) and flew so that I clearly saw Bjärred, could even make out the bridge, slowly drifting away to finally disappear behind a big white cloud. I thought it was rather illustrative.

So far it has been quite smooth, the check-in and security check went as fast as it could and with only some minor disturbance, something on my cotton and linen clad body somehow set the alarm off, probably the buttons in the pants and my jacket pockets contained too many coins for their liking.

Right now I’m sitting at Helsinki airport waiting for my flight and problems has started to show up. I just heard some callout that there has been some changes to my flight due to the weather in Hong Kong, but I don’t know what the changes are, I will check soon. And I think my laziness with paying my phone bill has struck back, my SIM is currently deactivated so I can’t contact anybody, I hope it will resolve before tomorrow.

It was actually quite cool to fly in over Helsinki, the suburbs seems to be part of the forest when watching it from above, great pine trees that towers even the 4-6 story buildings and houses just poping up seemingly at random.

As a late edition I say that the phone actually didn't have any problems, and the flight was finally 4 hours late, it sucked.

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