Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Birthday dinner with Mei

After I left Annie and Eva I headed off to meet Mei for our annual birthday dinner at Pizza hut (I pretty much doubt that we will keep this tradition next year, but who knows). Arriving at Gongzhufen there was some confusion, I had sent a message to Mei that I was on the way there and she has taken it as that I was already there and asked me to get a table-queue-ticket and when I called her to say I was there and wondered where to go she was trying to figure out why I hadn’t gotten the ticket yet. Somehow I managed to find my way to pizza hut but she arrived before me and probably thought that I was really stupid to take 30-45 minutes to walk from the subway station to pizza hut.

She had already gotten a ticket and ordered a cake too so there was nothing to do but to wait, and wait we did. I think we waited for about one and a half hour before we got our table, and when there was about 10 minutes left Mei was about to give up totally. Dinner at Pizza hut is as always way too much, and for some reason we always do this when my stomach is at its least; last year it was the day after I had recovered from my illness and was hardy fit for anything and this year it was the hangover that got the best of me, and on top of it all we started with the cake, a cake that was 3 parts cream, 2 parts cake material (one those egg, flour and sugar bottoms) and one part fruits in 3 layers. I did try my best at least, even went to the toilet and stayed there for so long that Mei got worried that something had happened and call me, and during that time some poor kid needed to throw up but since there was only one toilet he had to do it in the pissing-booth, very poor kid.

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